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Article showcasing diverse career transitions and job moves.
Card showcasing job moves within the company.
Image of a news list displaying headlines, dates, and summaries of recent news articles.
  • At TALNT, we understand the importance of sourcing data from reliable, publicly available sources.
  • We use a combination of advanced artificial intelligence technology and a skilled team of data analysts to gather our people data from over 150,000 industry and mainstream publications worldwide, as well as official releases.
  • Our unique artificial intelligence software, combined with our team of specialist editors, analyses each article and categorises it by market, role, region, and much more, ensuring that we deliver reliable and insightful people intelligence to our users.
  • We use a tagging system to structure the data on all people moves. These tags help you to make actionable decisions by quickly building indexes on moves that matter.
  • This could include competitor people moves, business development targeting, diversity trends, or simply connecting you to people on the move.
  • Our technology also analyses each article and categorises it by market, role, region and much more, ensuring that our users receive only the news alerts that are relevant to their markets and can quickly search for the people data they need.
Image of a news list displaying headlines, dates, and summaries of recent news articles.
Sequential list of diverse job moves, highlighting transitions between various professions and career paths.
  • We take the quality of our data very seriously at TALNT, which is why we have a thorough evaluation and verification process.
  • Our team of experts carefully evaluate each article for relevance and accuracy, and verify the data by cross-referencing with other sources.
  • This ensures that our users receive reliable and up-to-date people intelligence.
  • We value your input, so if you spot inaccuracies or errors, please contact us
  • At TALNT, we have a skilled team of data analysts, editorial team, and experts with experience across a range of industries. They review and verify the data sourced by our AI technology to ensure its accuracy and quality
  • Such expertise allows us to deliver reliable and insightful people intelligence to our users, and provide additional human insights that our technology alone cannot provide
Image featuring a variety of organisational charts representing different structures and hierarchies within various departments or teams.
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TALNT has saved us thousands of hours of work. We’re able to spin up projects and features faster.


How do you ensure the accuracy of the data?

Our data is gathered from thousands of publicly available sources and our AI technology and skilled editorial team carefully analyse and verify each article before it is included in our platform.

What kind of data is included in TALNT?

We cover all global senior executive moves that occur across functions and sectors within Financial Services, Real Estate, Energy, Consulting, Technology and Business Services, with plans to expand to more sectors in the future.

How often is the data updated?

We update our data daily to ensure our users have access to the most current information.

How can I access the data on TALNT?

Users can access the data on our web platform or via daily email alerts tailored to their preferences.

Can I filter the data by specific keywords or tags?

Yes, our advanced filtering system allows users to filter the data by keywords, tags, categories, location, and more.

How can I share articles with colleagues?

Our platform allows users to easily share articles with colleagues via email or social media.

Does TALNT offer any data analytics features?

We are currently developing data analytics features that will allow users to create people data reports across multiple areas and timelines. Stay tuned for updates!

How can TALNT benefit my organisation?

TALNT provides organisations with valuable insights on executive job moves and people intelligence, allowing them to make smart, fast, and accurate decisions.

What industries does TALNT cover?

TALNT covers the Financial Services, Real Estate, Energy, Consulting, Technology, and Business Services sectors, with plans to expand to more sectors in the future.

Can I adjust my email alerts to receive only the news related to my markets?

Yes, users can adjust their email alerts to receive only the news related to their markets.

Still have questions? Check the help center or email us at

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